Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Back home, sitting on the Nest!

"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." - Albert Einstein

I arrived home on Monday and everything is fine. Back to my hobbies!!!

I am already planning the next adventure...either Argentina or Australia...........

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Back in the USSA...USA..Tucson

"A ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what ships are for."

So, I was about 75 miles south of Ensenada this morning and decided to hightail it back to my Uncles' Place in Tucson Arizona. I arrived here at dark after over 600 miles. It is very cold here and I am a bit frozen, about 35 degrees.

My Uncle owns Desert Air is a picture to give you the idea!

I would reccomend to everyone to use the Tecate Border Crossing. It was not crowded and really a breeze to get through.

So here are some final notes about the trip:

The Baja Penisula is much safer than any major city in the USA. All the warnings and media stuff we see in the USA is total bullshit. I would sleep comfortably on any park bench in the Baja.

The peak of business in the Baja was in the 1980's. The infrastructure is all there, but it is a ghost town. The people and business there has really suffered from the blackball the US State Dept has given. If there was a murder in LA, would you visit Oklahoma??

I may go back next year. But I am thinking of either purchasing a BMW bike in Columbia and rideing down to Argentina, or doing the same thing in Australia. I think the Baja will be there in 10 years, when I would return in an RV for an entire Winter!!

Thanks for following my Blog and I appreciate your kind thoughts!!

Peace, Love, Karma........................................................................................

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Back up North in the Baja

The ride from Baja De Los Angelos was very nice. As you can see in the picture, it is a huge bolder desert!!. The are is wilderness and quite remote. I passed 1 car during the 40 mile trip back to the main highway. When I arrived there, a giant RV Convoy was just pulling up for a pit stop. I spent about 1/2 hour walking around the about 20 vehicles talking to all the people. They were on their way to Cab San Lucas. This is definatly the way to go for those faint at heart types!!!

These pictures show the restaurant, and my breakfast this morning.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Bahia de Los Angelos

Arrived here yesterday and explored the Place. Many snowbirds are here and I can see why.

There are many Islands about 3 miles from the shore, and as you can see from the pictures, it is a spectacular Place. I found a wonderful small resort just about 3 miles North of town. A beachfront Cabana is $5/day. One other person is here, Eric, riding a BMW F650, from Moab, Utah. Eric is on a big ride and is in the lead for about 10 riders coming Sout about 1 day behind. He is waiting for them to catch up, and then they are rideing the back roads to LaPaz. Looks like fun. I might try to get a different bike and try that next year.

I woke up to the sunrise this morning and watched the dolphins playing. There must be thousands of them. They oftentimes jump clear out of the water.

This Town is a pit stop for the Baja 1000 off-road race. I visited the pits on the way to the Internet Cafe this morning. I talked a bit with a cute mexican Girl driving her uncles pre-runner. She had a passenger and is out doing testing today. I plan to come back later and try to bribe her to take me for a ride. Her uncle tells me that my class 10 car would be absolutly PERFECT down her...with a few modifications. Maybee next year!!

So many thing to do in life, and so little time. Thank goodness I don't have a real job.

Also, I added a picture of a typical checkpoint.

I'll spend another day here and then leave in the morning North. Bye for now!!!!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Whale and Lion watching

I went on a whale watching tour this morning. The huge bay here has over 2000 whales from over 5000 miles away. They had their babies this month and the place is a whale nursery. I saw many of them up close. They are huge lumbering giants that never made it out of the sea! We also had somewhat of a tour of the salt mines. They export more than 5% of the worlds demand for salt.

I am at the moment here in the Hotel drinking Coronas and watching the Lions-Saints Game. GO Lions!!!

What a great day!!!

Oh, I met a wonderful Young Lady from Alberta rideing her bike alone down to Guatamala to build a new school. Her ride is a fundraiser for the school and she has already collected the money! I so admire this Woman! Here is a link to her Blog:

And here is a quote from her Blog, that was inspireing:

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? Your playing small does not serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of Life that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we're liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

Friday, January 6, 2012

Arrived Guerro Negro

A nice ride today North about 250 miles to Guerro Negro (Black Warrior) This is where you see the Great White Wales!!! They have their babies out here in the huge bay/lagoon areas. I am taking the Tour in the morning. It is evidently the perfect time in the season.

Here is a great video I made while riding along the coast. It gives an idea of the incredible beauty of this place. You might need to download the QuickPlayer to view this file!!!

On the road again

The sunrises here on the shore of the Sea of Cortez are remarkable.

I rode up to the old mission about 25 miles up in the mountains. It was recently paved about 2/3's of the way, and with all the elavation changes and switchbacks, it was a thrill to ride the bike with no luggage.

I met Carl and Kathy from Seattle while smoking a Cohiba in the Town Square last night. We went to the Mexico Lindo Restaurant and all ordered chilies reano; it was really great. Carl is involved in a metal fabrication business in Seattle, so we plenty to talk about!!! They built a house on the coast down by LaPaz and it sounded really wonderful. Darn, to bad it is 200 miles South!!

I just finished my coffee here at the coffee house and am thinking of heading off to the North, down the road. I will miss this beautiful little Place...Loreto.